Porcelain veneers for a complete smile transformation

Dr. Bobby Chhoker

There are many factors which can affect the health and appearance of your teeth, especially poor oral hygiene and avoiding the dentist. Unfortunately, many dental issues are asymptomatic until they have had a significant effect on your teeth, so by visiting your dentist on a regular basis you can avoid such issues. Other factors which can affect your teeth include lifestyle choices such as smoking and dietary habits, as well as certain illnesses and some medications which may weaken or damage your teeth. Accidents and injuries can also affect your teeth especially if you experience direct trauma to your mouth.

Factors affecting the appearance of your smile

Your teeth may be affected by staining or discolouration. This can be either intrinsic or extrinsic staining. Extrinsic staining is usually on the surface of your teeth and can be addressed with good oral hygiene, scaling and polish at the hygienist, or for more stubborn stains, you may wish to consider teeth whitening procedures. Intrinsic staining occurs as a result of internal damage to your tooth, or some medication such as tetracycline, and may cause blackening of your tooth or greying of your tooth which cannot be removed by teeth whitening procedures. Other factors which may affect your smile include cracks on the surface of your teeth, uneven teeth and chipped or broken teeth. Your teeth may be of different shapes and sizes or you may have gaps in them. If you are suffering from any of these issues which are affecting the appearance of your smile then speak to us and find out about getting porcelain veneers with Dr Bobby Chhoker.

What are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are strong, durable, wafer-thin, individually tailored shells which are attached to the front of your teeth to completely hide any imperfections on the surface of them. They are moulded to resemble your natural teeth, they can be coloured according to your personal preference either to match your natural dentition or in a whiter shade for a brighter smile, and they are also able to improve the shape and size of your teeth, as well as filling in any gaps you may have between your teeth.

Book an appointment with Dr Bobby Chhoker today, master dentist, to find out more about porcelain veneers and how they can be used to transform your smile completely. At your initial appointment, you will undergo a thorough examination of your teeth and you will speak to us about how you would like to improve your smile. If you, as our patient, and we, as your dentist, are both happy that porcelain veneers are the best treatment option to help address your aesthetic needs then you may undergo X-rays and get impressions of your mouth and teeth, so that your veneers can be created for you. These usually take a few weeks to come back from the laboratory and you may be able to have temporary dental veneers in the meantime. Find out more about how porcelain veneers can help transform your smile completely very soon.

All treatment carries risks. Individual consultation is required with one of our practitioners to ensure that the treatment is right for you.