Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Dental Care for Seniors: Special...

As we age, our bodies undergo various changes, and our dental health is no exception. Senior citizens face unique dental challenges that require special care and attention. This blog delves...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

The Impact of Smoking on...

Smoking is a well-known risk factor for numerous health problems, but its impact on oral health is particularly severe and multifaceted. In this blog, we will explore how smoking affects...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Overcome Fear of the Dentist:...

Dental anxiety is a common issue that prevents many individuals from receiving necessary dental care. The fear of visiting the dentist can stem from various factors, including past traumatic experiences,...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

The Benefits of Laser Dentistry:...

Laser dentistry represents a modern approach that harnesses the precision and efficiency of laser technology to perform a wide range of dental procedures. This innovative method offers numerous advantages over...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Teeth Sensitivity: Causes, Prevention, and...

Teeth sensitivity, characterised by a sudden, sharp pain in response to stimuli such as hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and beverages, is a common dental concern affecting individuals worldwide....
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Do You Floss Before or...

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential for a healthy smile, but the question of whether to floss before or after brushing teeth often leaves people puzzled. Is there a correct...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Can You Go to the...

Welcoming a new life is a thrilling experience, yet it comes with an array of health considerations and questions. Among the many concerns expectant mothers often have is dental care:...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Can You Drink Coffee After...

Introduction If you're a die-hard coffee aficionado who has just undergone wisdom teeth removal surgery, you're likely grappling with a serious question: "When can I indulge in my next cup...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

How Often Should I Visit...

Oral health plays an integral role in our overall health and well-being. Yet, many Australians overlook the importance of regular dental check-ups. According to the Australian Institute of Health and...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

How Does Invisalign Move Teeth?

When it comes to straightening teeth without the discomfort and visibility of traditional metal braces, Invisalign has become a go-to choice for many. The process involves wearing a series of...
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