Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Can I Drink Coffee with...

Clear braces, such as Invisalign, have become a popular choice for individuals seeking orthodontic treatment. Unlike traditional braces, they are nearly invisible and offer the flexibility to remove them while...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

What Are Invisible Braces?

The quest for a straighter, more confident smile has never been easier, thanks to advancements in orthodontic technology. One such innovation that has gained immense popularity in recent years is...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

How Long Does a Root...

A root canal is a dental procedure that can save a tooth and relieve excruciating pain. But how long can you expect the benefits of this treatment to last? Discover...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

What to Eat After Wisdom...

Wisdom teeth removal is a common dental procedure that often leaves patients with a sore mouth and the need for special dietary considerations during recovery. Our experts always use the...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

How Long Does Teeth Whitening...

A dazzling white smile can boost your confidence and leave a lasting impression. Teeth whitening has become a popular cosmetic dental procedure, offering a quick and effective way to enhance...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Why Does My Tooth Ache...

It's a common phenomenon many Australians face: the sensation of a toothache intensifies as night falls. The quiet moments before sleep can be disrupted by sudden discomfort. But what is...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Is Carbonated Water Bad for...

Carbonated water, with its bubbly texture and refreshing taste, has grown immensely in popularity across Australia. While it's often considered a healthier alternative to sugar-laden sodas, there's an underlying concern...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Can You Go to the...

Welcoming a new life is a thrilling experience, yet it comes with an array of health considerations and questions. Among the many concerns expectant mothers often have is dental care:...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Can Braces Straighten Wisdom Teeth?

Introduction For generations, wisdom teeth have perplexed both laymen and medical professionals alike. Typically emerging between the ages of 17 and 25, these notorious third molars are often the subjects...
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Dr. Bobby Chhoker

Can You Drink Coffee After...

Introduction If you're a die-hard coffee aficionado who has just undergone wisdom teeth removal surgery, you're likely grappling with a serious question: "When can I indulge in my next cup...
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